Hello, I’m Jungjoo Yoon, studying computer science in my third year. My passion for video games led me to want to work in computer science. I started to become interested in computer science when I started to play video games on the internet a lot.

I am interested in open and distributed learning because it makes education accessible and flexible. As someone who enjoys spending time online, I love that I can find so much knowledge easily. Open and distributed learning removes the barriers to education, allowing anyone with internet access to learn from top-quality materials. This idea excites me because I believe technology should be used to give more people opportunities to learn and grow.

In my own studies, I use many digital tools to help me learn and manage my projects. I take online courses on platforms like Coursera and Udemy to learn new topics and get extra help with my university subjects. These platforms offer courses from top universities, so I can learn from the best. I also use coding platforms like GitHub to work on projects and keep my code organized. For group projects, tools like Microsoft Teams help me communicate and collaborate with my classmates. I organize my study materials and notes using Google Docs and GoodNotes.

Understanding and assessing the information you find online is another important part of digital literacy, along with using digital tools. In open and distributed learning, digital literacy is very important. It helps students sort through the huge amount of information available on the internet, figure out which sources to trust, and use different tools effectively to enhance their education. Another part of digital literacy is knowing how to use digital tools responsibly, like protecting intellectual property and keeping data private.

Digital literacy is essential in open and distributed learning because it allows students to fully benefit from the available resources. It creates an engaging learning environment where students can collaborate with peers worldwide, access diverse materials, and join online discussions. Additionally, digital literacy skills are crucial in today’s professional world, where many jobs depend on digital tools and platforms.

To sum up, my passion for gaming and interest in computers have shaped my educational path. This has made me appreciate open and distributed learning for its accessibility and flexibility. By using digital tools and improving my digital literacy, I continue to support my learning and prepare for a future where technology plays a key role in both education and work.